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  • What is Counselling?
    Counselling is an empathetic, non-judgemental, and safe space in which you can explore any emotions, feelings, situations, or thoughts that are prominent in your life. ​ As your therapist, I am here to help bring new perspectives to situations you may be facing in order to help you to help yourself. Counselling can help with developing ways of coping going forward, look at changing patterns in life, look at managing your boundaries in relation to other relationships, but ultimately is a self-development journey. ​ I once got told "therapy is an investment in yourself", where you have 50 minutes set aside purely for yourself each week.
  • What is a Consultation?
    The consultation gives us chance to talk through what it is you would want from counselling and look at our expectations. We will go through our contract with each other and look at if we feel comfortable to work with each other going forward. ​ The relationship within counselling is important in order for effective counselling to take place. The consultation is an opportunity to get a sense of if I am someone you feel you will be able to trust and work alongside you in your journey.
  • How do I know if I need counselling?
    Only you will know if you are in a position to be ready to talk to someone. If you are unsure, there is no pressure or obligation to do anything past a consultation. Talking to someone in a confidential way can make all the difference to how you are feeling. ​ Check out my blog post on 'Reasons to have Counselling' for more info.
  • How does remote counselling work?
    Many people aren't able to access face-to-face counselling and so remote counselling is becoming more popular and accessible. This will still allow you to explore what's going on for you but from anywhere you may be based. ​ I have a confidential space set out so that our conversation will remain safe. I would ask for you to be able to set aside the time to also be in a quiet space where you feel comfortable. I offer sessions via Zoom or phone call, we will agree to a format for the consultation. If this needed to change we can do so as & when needed.
  • How often will we meet?
    For ongoing therapy we will aim to meet weekly on a set day/time. For counselling relationships to be effective an element of consistency is needed and so once weekly when starting sessions is important. ​ I do though acknowledge that life isn't as straight forward as this so I do try and offer flexibility with the time/day of sessions if this needs to be altered occasionally.
  • What is your confidentiality policy?
    I agree to keep everything we discuss together in the sessions confidential. There are a few exceptions where I may need to break confidentiality as outlined below: If you are deemed to be at an immediate risk of harming yourself or others then I will have to break confidentiality by contacting the relevant services; though I will always try to discuss this with you first. Other reasons for breaking confidentiality are a) If terrorism related information is disclosed, b) if required by a court case, c) if there are serious concerns regarding a child’s safety. Please check the NCPS Safeguarding policy for more information, here. As a member of the NCPS, I am required to have regular supervision and will need to discuss my work with a supervisor on a regular basis. However, I will not disclose anything that would enable you to be identified. Supervision sessions are to allow me to gain support and guidance in my work and also to check that I am working ethically and competently.
  • Why do we need a "counselling contract"
    This is an agreement set out that we will both follow in order to boundary our relationship in a professional way i.e. the contract is there to keep us both safe. I also add detail in there so that it can be referred back to later at any point in relation to confidentiality, late sessions, cancellations, complaints, contact outside of sessions etc. I go through this with you in our consultation so if there's anything you're unsure of or don't feel comfortable with, we can talk it through and look at how it can work for us if we choose to work together.
  • How much is a session?
    For ongoing counselling sessions my fee is £60 (50 minute sessions) The initial consultation of 45 minutes will be £30 ​​ I am willing to look at lower fees if you feel you are unable to afford these prices. We will talk about what is affordable for you in the consultation and agree on a collaborative fee. ​ Want to book in? Check out my availability here.
  • How soon can we start?
    If you are ready to book in a consultation with me you can do so below (If you are unable to book or have further questions, please do email me or Whatsapp me):
  • Can you invoice me for sessions?
    We will talk about payment options in our consultation, but yes for some clients I do invoice for the sessions attended at the end of each month, whereas other clients prefer to pay weekly. My payment options and fees are done on a case by case basis through our consultation conversation. I do only have a few low cost sessions available so please let me know if this is something you are interested in. If I don't receive payment according to our agreed schedule then we will not have further sessions until this has been received.
  • What is email therapy?
    Email therapy is a written text based version of therapy. We still have a set time and day in which we will converse but the emails are delayed to allow for reflection and processing between sending. Email therapy still has boundaries with a word limit, set time to send emails by, and therapy contracting. but it does have more flexibility to take time in when you reply which can be useful for people with chronic illnesses or unpredictable schedules. As well as that it can offer some relief on those who feel they have to present in certain ways such as gender expression as there isn't a physical or vocal element in email therapy.
  • Is email therapy secure?
    Yes. We will use ProtonMail to send emails to each other. This will mean you need to set up your own email account with them if you don't already have one. ProtonMail means that emails will be end-to-end encrypted to allow for security. As part of my email therapy guide it will talk you through how to set this up.
  • How much is email therapy?
    As email therapy is still therapy it is still a £60 guide fee on sessions, where low cost can be discussed.
  • How do I start email therapy?
    I still ask you to attend a consultation with me for £30 via video or phone. I am happy for you to turn off your camera and mic if this feels more comfortable to use the chat function instead. The consultation is to allow both of us to assess our suitability to work together as well as the medium in which the work takes. You can book in with me here:

©2020-2024 by Emily Duffy. Proudly created with

MNCPS logo showing that I am an accredited member of the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society.

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